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world-name: r3wp

Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
Ah, OK, cool. I just have the last 3, was too young for NeXT then. 
Delphi was based on Turbo Vision, a DOS product that came out after 
Windows 1 iirc, but the GUI builder was new. Which came first, VB 
for DOS or VB for Windows?
Group: View ... discuss view related issues [web-public]
[unknown: 10]:
Wasnt there an GUI builder too ?
I played a little with a script that Carl wrote to demonstrate how 
to build a GUI builder but ultimately decided to rebuild my own.
I remember seeing the GUI/Program builder for the NeXT computer, 
when it first came out. That seems awesome. You specified, what type 
of application, you needed to build, and voila you've got the sceleton 
with menues and everything. Maybe it's something like that, you're 
after, Henrik.
Group: Tech News ... Interesting technology [web-public]
Graham, well, you could probably build the GUI files using REBOL, 
but that loses another point of GNUstep. It has a pretty powerful 
GUI builder that leverages late bindings in Objective C to build 
most of the functionality of the GUI without writing code.
Group: !REBOL3-OLD1 ... [web-public]
but that is not the point. I just first could not follow, how they 
work with widgets, and then I found out - they have separated code 
and widget definitions. At first it looks strange .... it is like 
having 'feel(s) , event maintanance, app logic, without seeing what 
actually you are working with. But I do understand, why they keep 
widget defs outside in external file, which is kind of simple (as 
VID is), with static positioning - it is very easy to import to visual 
GUI builder ....
widgets and their functionality are defined in .nib files for a cocoa 
program. this is because much of the binding between the widgets 
and the code is created during runtime. this is also why Interface 
Builder is able to create much of the initial functionality for a 
Cocoa GUI, just by defining attributes to widgets and let you test 
the interface to a fairly high level without compiling any code.
Group: !REBOL3 GUI ... [web-public]
Tags can be used, they are implemented.But, IMO, if you need a list 
of styles for a GUI builder, you better make a list manually.
I guess, it's extremely hard to create a really good and preferable 
GUI. I'm struggling with Cocoa and Interface Builder on Mac OS X 
atm., and I haven't seen any glimpse of a 'perfect' GUI in that yet. 
If I was to design a GUI, I would go for simpleness, and still make 
sure, advanced users can make the advanced things.